1·B spline as a special of NURBS is the most often used method in the industrial world.
2·With the cubic B spline functions treated as displacement functions, a new method is introduced into. The result is compared with one of the finite element method.
应用样条有限点法,以三次B 样条函数为位移试函数,导出了拱结构非线性内力分析的新方法。
3·New algorithm need not directly compute values of B-spline interpolatory function, the values were computed using B-spline scaling relation on sampling points, which had simple and uniform coding.
提出的算法不用计算b -样条函数的显式值,而是利用B -样条的尺度关系计算采样点的值,具有一致且简单的编码。
4·B-spline is the most popular method to present free-form curve and surface, and DP algorithm is the effective approach for solving discrete optimization problems.
5·The result also reveals that B-spline model performs better than other models integralively in precision of fitting prices, curve smoothness and stability.